Add top r/ListenToThis posts to a Spotify playlist
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Popular Reddit and Spotify workflows and automations
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- Reddit /r/music to Spotify
- Reddit/r/deathmetal to spotify playlist
- Upvote to Playlist
Useful Reddit and Spotify integrations
Triggers (If this)
- New followed showThis trigger fires every time you follow a new show on Spotify.
- Any new post in subredditThis Trigger fires every time there is a new post in the subreddit you specify.
- New saved episodeThis Trigger fires every time you save a new episode to your library on Spotify.
- New hot post in subredditThis Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten hottest posts in the subreddit you specify.
- New saved trackThis Trigger fires every time you save a new track to Your Music on Spotify.
- New top post in subredditThis Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten top posts in the subreddit you specify.
- New show from searchThis trigger fires every time a new show appears in your search
- New post from searchThis Trigger fires every time a new post submitted on reddit matches a search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 20 items per check.
- New recently played trackThis trigger fires every time you have played a new track on Spotify.
- New post by youThis Trigger fires every time you submit a new post on reddit.
- New saved albumThis trigger fires every time you save a new album to Your Music on Spotify.
- New comment by youThis Trigger fires every time you save a new comment on reddit.
- New episode from a followed showThis Trigger fires every time a followed show releases a new episode on Spotify.
- New upvoted post by youThis Trigger fires every time you upvote a post on reddit.
- New episode from searchThis trigger fires every time a new episode is released that matches your search
- New downvoted post by youThis Trigger fires every time you downvote a post on reddit.
- New track added to a playlistThis Trigger fires every time a new track is added to a playlist you specify.
- New post saved by youThis Trigger fires every time you save a post on reddit.
Queries (With)
- Search artistsThis query returns a list of artists matching a query.
- Get artist detailsThis query returns information about a given artist.
- Search albumsThis query returns the albums that match the given query.
- Get album detailsThis query returns details for a given album.
- Get artists for albumThis query will return artists for a given album.
- Get tracks for albumThis query returns the tracks on an album.
- Search tracksThis query returns the tracks on Spotify that match the given query.
- Get track detailsThis query returns details about a track.
- Get artists for trackThis query returns a track's artists.
- Search playlistsThis query returns a list of matching playlists given a query.
- Get tracks from a playlistThis query returns the tracks on a playlist.
- Get user's saved tracksThis query returns the user's saved tracks.
- Get user's saved playlistsThis query returns the user's saved playlists.
- History of new saved tracksThis query fires every time you save a new track to Your Music on Spotify.
- History of new track addition to a playlistThis query returns a list of events when a new track was added to a playlist you specify.
- Recently Played TracksThis query returns the recently played tracks on Spotify.
- Currently playing trackThis query returns the track that is currently playing on Spotify.
- Get audio features from a trackThis query returns the audio feature from a track
- Get user top tracksThis query returns your top tracks
- Get track recommendationsThis query returns track recommendations based on your top tracks.
- Get show detailsThis query returns details for a given show.
- Get show episodesThis query returns available episodes for a given show.
- Get featured playlistsThis query returns a list of featured playlists.
Actions (Then that)
- Skip trackThis action will skip to next track in the current playback queue on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
- Submit a new text postThis Action will submit a new text post on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
- Pause playbackThis action will pause current playback on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
- Submit a new linkThis Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
- Add track to playback queueThis action will add a track you specify to the end of current playback queue on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
- Add track to a playlist by TrackIDThis Action will add a track to a playlist given a TrackID
- Save a trackThis Action will search for a track you specify and save the first matching result to Your Music on Spotify.
- Follow a playlistThis action will follow a playlist you specify. It accepts Spotify Playlist IDs.
- Start playbackStart a new context or resume current playback on the user’s active device. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
- Add track to a playlistThis Action will search for a track and add the first result to a playlist you specify.
Reddit and Spotify resources

How to get more views on YouTube (proven strategies in 2024)
How to get more views on YouTube (Proven Strategies)

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