Connect Google Forms to Slack and unlock powerful automations

Other popular Google Forms workflows and automations

Useful Google Forms and Slack integrations

Google Forms and Slack resources

How much is Pipedrive? What you need to know

How much is Pipedrive? What you need to know

You need a CRM for your business. Click to learn how much is Pipedrive!

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

Click to learn what is Jotform and how to use it!

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

Looking to improve your small business? Consider automating some of your tasks. IFTT will help you explore the benefits of automation and recommend some popular apps to use. Small Busines Automation

5 best project management tools for solopreneurs

5 best project management tools for solopreneurs

Looking for a project management tool to rule your solo empire? Check out our recommendations for the best project management tools specifically for solopreneurs and learn how you can build helpful automations with IFTTT.

How to make money from home

How to make money from home

How to make money from home. Automate your work with IFTTT. Click to learn more!

Best digital signature apps (free and paid)

Best digital signature apps (free and paid)

Are you looking for a convenient way to sign documents without having to print, sign, and scan them? Digital signatures are the solution - quick, easy, and secure. Click to find the best digital signature apps!

9 best Calendly integrations for small businesses

9 best Calendly integrations for small businesses

This blog by IFTTT provides helpful Calendly integrations to help small businesses reach their goals.

Best ClickUp integrations for small and mighty teams

Best ClickUp integrations for small and mighty teams

In this blog IFTTT provides the best ClickUp integrations to help small teams succeed.

Airtable vs. ClickUp: Which is best for small teams?

Airtable vs. ClickUp: Which is best for small teams?

Trying to decide between Airtable vs Clickup? Read our guide on the features and automations both have to offer that can be quickly set up in IFTTT!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together