
How to get more followers on TikTok in 2024

By The IFTTT Team

July 24, 2024

How to get more followers on TikTok in 2024
  • TikTok has quickly become a go-to platform for content creators, influencers, and brands. With its unique algorithm and interactive features, there are plenty of opportunities to grow your followers. But with a sea of content out there, how do you make your videos stand out? How do you attract and retain followers?

    In this blog, we will dive into effective TikTok follower growth strategies by covering how to create engaging content, leverage influencer marketing, and understand how to target your audience effectively in 2024.

    Whether you’re just starting out on TikTok or you’re already a seasoned creator, this guide has something for everyone. You’ll be provided with valuable insights to unlock your TikTok growth potential and boost your follower count!

    Additionally, we’ll discuss how you can integrate TikTok with IFTTT, an automation service that lets you connect with over 1000 services including Facebook, Slack, Google Assistant, Discord, and more. This means you can automate your TikTok experience, streamline your content creation, and enhance your engagement strategies that can essentially grow your follower count.

    So, let’s dive in and discover how you can get more followers on TikTok in 2024.

    Understanding TikTok's algorithm

    TikTok's algorithm is key in growing your followers. Although no one necessarily knows the full extent of how TikTok’s algorithm works, it is clear that the algorithm favors content with high engagement rates. This means that the more likes, shares, and comments your videos get, the more visibility they gain.

    Additionally, video information such as captions, hashtags, effects, sounds, and trending topics plays a factor. In your recommendations, you may notice familiar keywords and audiovisual elements similar to the content you've previously viewed, further boosting your chances of gaining new followers. For content creators, this means it's essential to stay up to date on current trends.

    It's also important to note that consistency in posting is key. Regularly posting content and sticking to a consistent schedule keeps you visible on users' “For You” page. This increases your chances of attracting new followers.

    Crafting your TikTok profile for maximum appeal

    Your TikTok profile is the first thing potential followers see. It's your chance to make a strong first impression. A well-crafted profile can encourage users to hit the follow button.

    Let’s break down the key points:

    • Keyword research is a great way to optimize your TikTok profile. Research keywords relevant to your niche and include them in your username, bio, and content captions.

    • Select a high-quality profile picture that showcases your brand or personality. Steer clear of intricate images that can be hard to see in the small thumbnail. tiktokfollowers1

    • Your bio should be engaging and tell users what they can expect from your content.


    • Include a link in your profile on direct traffic to your website, blog, or other social media platforms.


    • Design engaging thumbnails for your TikTok videos, including titles, to give viewers a clear idea of the content they can expect in each video.


    Remember, your profile is the first thing potential followers see, making it your chance to make a strong first impression. Make it appealing, consistent, and true to your content to attract and retain followers.

    Developing a consistent content strategy

    A consistent content strategy is key to TikTok follower growth. Regular posting keeps your content in front of your audience and on their "For You" page.

    First, you should plan your content in advance. A content calendar can help you maintain a steady posting schedule which ensures a continuous flow of fresh content. It also allows you to have a diversity of content types to keep your audience engaged. Luckily, here at IFTTT, we integrate with a variety of calendar and project management tools like Google Calendar, Notion.so, Todoist, and more. By leveraging these integrations, you can streamline your content planning process to optimize your workflow. For example, you can sync your Google Calendar to other calendars like iOS Calendar, ensuring that all your scheduling details are up-to-date and accessible across different platforms. You can read more about how you can optimize your Google Calendar and the best project management tools through our blogs.

    Here are some Applets to get started with:

  • Authenticity is highly valued on TikTok. Users are more likely to follow accounts that feel genuine and relatable. Your content should reflect your true self and resonate with your audience’s interests and values.

    Here are some content types to consider:

    • Educational or informative content: Share how-tos, tips, and valuable information that relates to your niche.

    • Entertainment or humor-based content: Create fun and entertaining content that will give your audience a laugh.

    • User-generated content: Encourage your followers to create content related to your brand and feature their posts.

    • Trending content: Stay up-to-date and jump on the latest TikTok trends.

    Remember, the goal is to create content that your audience finds valuable and engaging. This will encourage them to follow your account and interact with your posts.

    Leveraging trends and viral content

    TikTok is a platform driven by trends and viral content. Participating in these trends can increase your content's visibility and discoverability. Keep an eye out for what you see on your “For You” page as this is where you’ll find trending hashtags and sounds. Incorporating these into your content can boost your chances of appearing on the "For You" page.

    However, don't just follow trends blindly. Make sure they align with your brand and audience. The most successful content creators find a way to merge trending elements with their unique style and messaging. This approach helps maintain authenticity while capitalizing on current trends.

    Remember, viral content often has a short lifespan. So, act quickly when you spot a trend that fits your brand. This strategy can help you attract new followers and increase your TikTok growth.

    The power of hashtags and sounds

    Hashtags and sounds are powerful tools on TikTok. They categorize your content and make it discoverable to a wider audience.

    Hashtags work like keywords. They help TikTok's algorithm understand what your content is about. Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase your content's reach.

    • Relevance: Choose hashtags that are directly related to your content as this helps your video appears in searches or feeds where users are interested in those specific topics.


    • Trending hashtags: Incorporating trending hashtags can significantly boost your visibility, as these are often searched by a large number of users.

    Sounds, on the other hand, can make your content more engaging. TikTok users often browse videos based on the sound used. Utilizing popular sounds can increase your content's visibility.

    Engaging with your audience

    Engagement is a key factor in TikTok's algorithm. It's not just about creating content, but also interacting with your audience.

    Responding to comments on your videos is a simple yet effective way to engage. It shows your audience that you value their input. This can foster a sense of community and encourage more interactions.

    Don't limit engagement to your own content. Participate in discussions on other TikTok videos, especially those related to your niche. By commenting on and engaging with videos from other creators, you place yourself in front of a broader audience who might be interested in your content. This strategy not only helps in building relationships with other creators but also attracts potential followers to your profile.

    Collaborating with influencers and other creators

    Collaborations can be a powerful way to grow your TikTok followers. They allow you to tap into new audience segments and increase your visibility.

    Collaborating with influencers or other creators in your niche can provide valuable mutual benefits. It allows you to leverage their established follower base and introduce your content to a wider audience. This partnership can also bring new perspectives and ideas to your content, enhancing your creative output and offering something new to your audience.

    Collaborations on TikTok are about more than just boosting follower counts—they’re about building meaningful partnerships that enhance content quality and viewer engagement. By partnering with others who share similar values and create engaging content together, you can effectively grow your follower base and elevate your presence on the platform.

    Utilizing TikTok's features: Duets, Stitches, and Effects

    TikTok offers a range of features that can help boost your content's reach. Duets, stitches, and effects are just a few examples.

    Duets allow you to create side-by-side videos with other users. This can be a fun way to engage with your audience or collaborate with other creators.


    Stitches, on the other hand, let you incorporate parts of someone else's video into your own. This can be a great way to participate in trends or respond to popular content.


    Lastly, TikTok's effects can enhance your videos and make them more visually appealing. Experiment with different effects to find what works best for your content and audience.


    Analyzing and adapting with TikTok analytics

    TikTok Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding your audience and refining your content strategy. It provides insights into your follower demographics, content performance, and engagement trends.

    By analyzing these metrics, you can identify what types of content resonate most with your audience. This can guide your content creation efforts and help you produce more of what your followers want to see.

    Additionally, TikTok Analytics can help you determine the best times to post. Posting when your followers are most active can increase your content's visibility and engagement.

    Cross-promotion on other social media platforms

    Cross-promotion is a powerful strategy for driving traffic to your TikTok profile. By sharing your TikTok content on other social media platforms, you can tap into your existing follower base and attract new followers.

    Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are ideal for cross-promotion. You can share previews of your TikTok videos, or post behind-the-scenes content to pique your audience's interest.

    Remember, each social media platform has its own unique audience. Tailor your cross-promotion strategy to fit the platform and its users. This will maximize your chances of attracting new TikTok followers.

    Creating a community: Challenges, giveaways, and user-generated content

    Challenges, giveaways, and user-generated content are effective strategies for community building. Challenges are a staple of TikTok. They encourage user participation and can quickly go viral.

    Create a unique, fun challenge and invite your followers to participate. This not only boosts engagement but also exposes your content to a wider audience. Giveaways are another great way to incentivize audience interaction. They can be as simple as asking followers to like, comment, or share your content. This increases your visibility on the platform, leading to more followers.

    Lastly, user-generated content can significantly boost engagement. Encourage your followers to create content related to your brand or challenge. This creates a sense of community and can lead to rapid follower growth.

    Optimizing posting times for increased visibility

    Posting at the right time can significantly increase your content's visibility. It's crucial to understand when your target audience is most active on TikTok.

    TikTok's analytics can provide insights into your audience's peak activity times. By scheduling your posts during these periods, you can maximize your content's reach and engagement.

    Remember, consistency is key. Regular posting not only keeps your content fresh in the minds of your followers but also signals to the TikTok algorithm that your profile is active, boosting your visibility on the platform.

    Integrating IFTTT with TikTok

    Integrating IFTTT with TikTok expands your capabilities beyond manual sharing. IFTTT (If This Then That) is our powerful automation tool that helps you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the ever-changing world of social media. With IFTTT, you can easily create a variety of workflows, or Applets, that will help you engage with your target audience and build brand awareness.

    You can also automate the process of creating content, so you don't have to manually upload videos to your Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok every day. Additionally, IFTTT can automate the process of researching trends and topics that are most popular with your target audience. This will help you create content that is more likely to go viral and increase your chances of success.

    Let’s dive into the magic behind our TikTok integrations and explore some use cases.

    The magic behind our TikTok integrations

    First, let's explain about how our TikTok integrations work. We have a trigger, query, and action for our TikTok integrations, designed to automate and simplify your social media workflow. Triggers tell an Applet to start, queries provide data, and actions are the end result of an Applet run.

    Trigger: New video

    This trigger will run whenever a new video is posted to TikTok. Let’s take a look at two examples here:

    When you post a new TikTok video, add it to a Google Spreadsheet. tiktok1

    Or, when you post a new TikTok video, automatically tweet about it. tiktok2

    Query: List videos

    This query returns a list of your TikTok videos. Here’s an example:

    When you press the button widget, get a list of your TikTok videos in a Google Spreadsheet. tiktok3


    This action will upload your TikTok video as a draft. Here’s an example:

    When a new video is uploaded in your Google Drive folder, it will automatically upload the video to TikTok as a draft. tiktok4

    Maximizing your content’s reach: Share your new TikTok videos on your platforms automatically

    With our integrations, you can ensure that your TikTok content reaches a wider audience without any extra effort. You can create or connect to our published Applets so that whenever you post a new TikTok video, it will automatically be shared across your desired platforms, such as Slack, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Dropbox, and more.

    Here are some Applets to get started with:

  • Automating for efficiency: Cross-post your videos to TikTok

    With our TikTok integrations, your content will be shared automatically whenever you post a new video, making social media management convenient and efficient by eliminating the need to manually upload your video. For instance, if you upload a video to Google Drive or Dropbox, it will be automatically saved as a draft on TikTok.

    Here are some Applets to get started with:

  • Staying organized: Effortlessly manage your TikTok content

    Moreover, you can streamline the organization and tracking of your published TikTok videos by receiving a list directly to your email, Google Sheets, and other platforms. This feature centralizes your videos for easy management, helping you stay organized effectively.

    Here are some Applets to get started with:

  • Supercharge your content creation with our AI services

    Additionally, we have handful of AI services that are designed to supercharge your automated posts or generates unique content to engage with your audience, specifically our AI Social Creator and AI Content Creator . With our AI tools, you can generate new ideas for your TikTok content.

    For example, our AI tool can generate ideas for your next social post when you simply write the topic your post is about in the Note Widget and it will come up with new ideas for content for your next post in your notifications. tiktok6

    We also have AI services that are platform specific, such as the AI Facebook Assistant, AI LinkedIn Assistant, AI Twitter Assistant, and AI YouTube Assistant. You can learn more about our AI services here.

    Here are some Applets to get started with:

  • Join IFTTT

    Sharing your TikTok videos across multiple platforms can significantly expand your reach. It's a powerful way to engage with your audience, build your brand, and maximize your online presence. With tools like IFTTT, you can automate the sharing process, ensuring your content reaches a broader audience with little effort. By leveraging these tools effectively, you can streamline your social media strategy and achieve greater visibility and engagement across various platforms. If you're looking to get started, you can read more about how to integrate TikTok with IFTTT here.

    So, what are you waiting for? Join IFTTT for free today!

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