Connect Google My Business to Google Sheets and unlock powerful automations

Other popular Google My Business workflows and automations

Useful Google My Business and Google Sheets integrations

Google My Business and Google Sheets resources

What is the best no code app builder in 2024?

What is the best no code app builder in 2024?

Click to learn what is the best no code app builder in 2024.

Google Sheets vs Excel: A comprehensive comparison for 2024

Google Sheets vs Excel: A comprehensive comparison for 2024

Google Sheets vs Excel: A Comprehensive Comparison for 2024

3 best RSS Readers

3 best RSS Readers

There are several RSS readers available, but in this blog, we will introduce you to the 3 on the market - Feedly, Newsblur, and Inoreader. These three also can integrate with over 900 other digital tools with IFTTT.

How to export Asana projects to Google Sheets

How to export Asana projects to Google Sheets

Keep clear track of your Asana projects in a spreadsheet - Set up an Asana to Sheets integration in minutes with IFTTT.

How to export Twitter to Google Sheets (automated and manually)

How to export Twitter to Google Sheets (automated and manually)

Stop losing Tweets in the online abyss - Set up a Twitter to Sheets integration in minutes with IFTTT.

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

Looking to improve your small business? Consider automating some of your tasks. IFTT will help you explore the benefits of automation and recommend some popular apps to use. Small Busines Automation

The 8 best apps for freelance writers in 2024

The 8 best apps for freelance writers in 2024

Explore our recommendations for the best apps for freelance writers and learn how you can build helpful automations quickly with IFTTT.

How to export Google Calendar to Google Sheets automatically

How to export Google Calendar to Google Sheets automatically

Learn how to export your Google Calendar to Google Sheets automatically. Set up this integration in minutes with IFTTT.

How to export Airtable to Google Sheets automatically

How to export Airtable to Google Sheets automatically

Learn how to export Airtable data to Google Sheets automatically. Set up this integration in minutes with IFTTT.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together