Connect Email to Google Forms and unlock powerful automations

Other popular Email workflows and automations

Useful Email and Google Forms integrations

Email and Google Forms resources

Best free invoicing software for 2024

Best free invoicing software for 2024

Click to learn the best free invoicing software for 2024! Automate your invoicing with IFTTT.

Gumroad versus Patreon

Gumroad versus Patreon

Whether you choose Gumroad or Patreon, or even decide to use both platforms in conjunction, the most important aspect of your journey as a creator is to stay true to your voice, continually improve your craft, and nurture the connection...

What is a CRM in real estate?

What is a CRM in real estate?

CRM's are extremely important for real estate agents. Click to learn what a CRM is in Real Estate.

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2024

Looking to improve your small business? Consider automating some of your tasks. IFTT will help you explore the benefits of automation and recommend some popular apps to use. Small Busines Automation

What is Lead Generation?

What is Lead Generation?

Trying to get more clients? You need to learn lead generation. Click to learn what is lead generation!

4 best scheduling apps for small businesses in 2024

4 best scheduling apps for small businesses in 2024

Are you looking to make the most out of scheduling for your small business? IFTTT is here to help. Check out this blog where we discuss the best scheduling softwares and IFTTT automations that make it seamless.

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know

Click to learn what is Jotform and how to use it!

Best newsletter platforms to build an audience

Best newsletter platforms to build an audience

Unfolding the best newsletter platforms to build an audience

Google Forms versus Jotform?

Google Forms versus Jotform?

In this article, we will explore each of these aspects to help you understand the differences between Google Forms and Jotform, and determine which tool is best suited for your needs.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together